Electric cars have come a long way. They are quieter, cleaner, easier to park, and have a range of up to 400 miles.
But electric vehicles have a few limitations. They can’t exceed the speed limit, they don’t have the same functionality as a conventional car and they need charging or refilling every few days. All of these factors help to set electric vehicles apart from hybrids as well as standard cars.
In this blog post, I am here with an ultimate guide on Electric Vehicles or EVs where we will learn about the working of electric vehicles, their pros, cons & the future.
So, without any further delay – let us understand what electric vehicles are & how they work?
What are Electric Vehicles (or EVs)?
EVs are electrically powered vehicles. These vehicles range from cars, trucks, and buses to bikes, scooters, and tractors.
They are powered by batteries that are charged from an external source, such as a power grid, solar panel, or generator.
An electric vehicle has no fuel, so it can go anywhere, anytime. EVs are a great option for people who need a vehicle that works around a lot of different locations because they are able to charge their batteries on the go.
At present some of the top electric vehicle manufacturers include Tesla, Nissan, GM, TATA Motors, and China’s BYD.
Related: Solar Energy vs Fossil Fuels

Working of Electric Vehicles
Electric vehicles, or EVs, are vehicles that run on electricity instead of petroleum. It can be an exciting option for people who want to reduce their carbon footprint or want to go green. But how does an electric vehicle work?
An EV operates similarly to a hybrid vehicle. It uses a combination of batteries to store power.
In order to use an EV, we need to plug them into a charging point or from a grid. During this process, the rechargeable batteries store the electricity & this electricity is then used to produce energy & turn the wheels.
In this way, an electric vehicle works.
Pros & Cons of Electric Vehicles (EVs)
Like any other technology in the universe, Electric vehicles do also have their pros & cons. I have shared a few points on both sides below:
Pros of EVs
Electric vehicles have received a lot of attention in recent years. Many people believe they are the way to the future. Here are some of the benefits of Electric vehicles.
- Electric vehicles are a great option for consumers who are looking for a way to reduce their impact on the environment. These vehicles can help reduce your carbon footprint and help you save money on gas by operating on electricity. Read also: 9 Proven Ways to reduce the electricity bill by 60%
- EVs are a great way to combat increasing fuel prices. If rising gas prices annoy you, then you should definitely give them a try.
- When it comes to weight, electric vehicles are comparatively lightweight and smaller in size, thus making them easy to transport.
- Requires lesser maintenance compared to traditional vehicles.
- Electric vehicles make you independent. You can have your own charging station at your home.
- Last but not the least, governments in most countries are offering subsidies & additional benefits for every EV purchase.
Cons of EVs
Electric vehicles have been growing in popularity in the last few years due to their environmental impact. However, there are some cons that come along with these vehicles, some of which are not so easy to overlook.
Below are some of the drawbacks or limitations of owning an electric vehicle:
- The first and foremost is the lack of proper infrastructure that is required to run electric vehicles. Till now in 2022, there is a huge shortage of electric charging stations which makes them quite difficult to use.
- Another problem with EVs is their speed. They are quite slow compared to traditional gas-based vehicles. Further innovations may conquer this problem, but as of now, it seems to be the biggest drawback with EVs.
- Electricity prices are also increasing day by day. So it may soon become quite difficult to own electric cars as well. The solution is however something like Solar powered cars.
- Additionally, battery malfunctions are also a big problem. They can cause the car to stop working, which is bad for public safety and can also cause a lot of inconveniences.
- There are also some additional problems that come with electric cars, including the danger of battery fires, which occur when the battery overheats. For example, a safety recall for the Tesla Model S was issued after a motorist was killed when her vehicle caught fire.
- Another issue is that it may be difficult to get access to the battery when it dies, as the battery pack can’t be removed from the car.
Still, there are many cons, but I think with improvement in technology – you may find all these cons missing in the next 10-15 years.
Future of Electric Vehicles (EVs)
The future of electric vehicles is looking bright. With over half of the top auto manufacturers announcing plans to manufacture electric vehicles, it’s likely that the future of EVs is a bright one.
The New York Times reports that the United States is expected to be the first country in the world to reach 350 million electric vehicles on the roads by 2050.
On the other hand, the global data from Statista shows that there will be 144 million electric vehicles driven globally up to 2030.

In order to keep up with the demand, automakers are investing heavily in the development of electric vehicle technology.
There are many benefits to using electric vehicles, and that includes the environment. Electric vehicles are powered by electricity and are significantly more efficient than combustion-powered cars. They don’t produce harmful byproducts that are harmful to the environment.
Not to mention, the government is subsidizing the use of electric vehicles, which makes them affordable for a lot of people. However, the biggest drawback to electric vehicles is their limited range. If you’re planning to use an electric car for long-distance travel, you’ll need to be plugged in for the entire drive.
I think as more and more auto companies are getting into electric vehicles, the limitations of EVs will be drastically reduced over the next decade.
Final Words
It’s no secret that the future of the automotive industry is electric. I hope this post on electric vehicles helped you gain a better understanding of what the future holds for electric vehicles and what you can do to prepare.
What do you think will be the future of electric vehicles? (We would love to hear your suggestions in the comments section).
Do share this post with your friends & family & help them reduce their carbon footprints as well!